707 Mercer Street was a refuge. It was a place of encouragement, wisdom and grace. It was a place of learning, creativity and play. 707 Mercer Street was the home of my grandmother. As the idea of a creative business originated by my daughter, Taylor, determined that there was no other name but 707 Mercer Designs. My grandmother was a servant to her community, church and family via means of cooking, baking and sewing. There was never a week where someone was not gifted something made from her hands. She was Proverbs 31 personified, working with her hands yet serving her community and family with what she made.
I have always doodled or created a world of my own by drawing. I enjoy creating unique gifts for friends and family. Unfortunately, my comparison to others withered my drawings to borders in school binders or corners of notepads. When you reach a certain age however, comparison is swept to the side because you realize how absurd it is. So I began to create for my enjoyment and quite frankly stress relief. This grew into a wonderful blend of the creative and faith in Bible illustrating in 2016. I was 51. Bible illustrating built my faith, my creativity and my confidence.
My daughter, Taylor, came to me in 2018 with those famous words, “Hey, I got an idea.”. She believed that she and I should launch a art/design company doing home and location portraits. (please note we both have FULL time careers in education) She could handle the digital end and I could do the painting end. AND she already had a name for this imaginary company, 707 Mercer Designs. We of course went to the source for approval. Granny was 95 in 2018, continuing to serve her community and family with creations from her hands. She would be honored with our venture carrying on her legacy of faith and serving others. We did a few things for some friends and posted them on social media and 707 Mercer Designs was born.
We are AMAZED with what the Lord has done through this little creative venture. There are hundreds of stories to tell. I look forward to sharing them and new ones with you along our journey. Thank you for joining us, supporting us by purchases and prayers.